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What is an e-commerce website? It’s your digital storefront for selling products. Choosing the right hosting is crucial for its success. Why choose hosting for e-commerce?
The Expert Secrets book is now available. The original book was released previously. Now, this is the second edition.
The second edition comes with over 50,000 new words so over half the book is brand new.
If you are interested in converting potential customers into lifelong customers, this could be the right book for you.
But before you decide, let’s review Expert Secrets to help you determine whether it will be your next great read.
In this Expert Secrets review, we’ll discuss why reading Russell Brunson’s book will help you find your voice, build your brand and live the life you desire.
This is the second book in Brunson’s trilogy:
If you have read his other books, you already understand the value Russell packs into his books. If you have not, then Expert Secrets could be your first introduction.
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This book is all about developing your following.
You’ll do this by using your expertise to become an expert and create a message that your tribe gets excited about.
Think of the education inside the book as the practical playbook to:
Brunson teaches how to develop what’s called an “expert business”.
You’ll learn how to align your unique knowledge with your business goals, share expert advice with others and get paid for providing that education.
Anyone working hard to build a business can benefit from the Expert Secrets book.
Cut months or years off your learning curve when it comes to building a loyal group of followers who buy everything you produce…
…and even help get the word out to others so more people learn about your business.
You’ll benefit from reading this material if you’re any of the following:
Basically, any entrepreneur desiring to learn how to market more effectively will get tips and strategies that help with:
DotCom Secrets focused on guiding people into starting their own Internet businesses. It helps you figure out your target market, building out your offers and making sales by giving quality inspiration and education.
Expert Secrets provides help to all businesses, even brick-and-mortar companies. The focus shifts to making an impact by sharing your specialized skills as an expert. It helps whether you’re a new or established business.
Traffic Secrets teaches how to generate all the leads and sales your business needs via a variety of traffic sources.
The book has five main sections broken up into 22 different chapters.
You’ll discover practical steps for building a loyal community of followers. The first step is becoming what Russell Brunson calls the Attractive Character, which is an influencer or guide for your tribe.
Mastering your skill is a big part of being an Attractive Character. It involves uncovering your target market and correctly positioning your product to that audience.
The next step is developing the Cause, where you’ll generate passion within your community. A Cause gets people to believe in you and your business.
Lastly, this section teaches you how to create a New Opportunity, which helps move your audience in the proper direction.
None of us take action without a belief that going in a certain direction will help us alleviate pain or attain pleasure.
In this section, Brunson shows you how to align your audience’s belief system with yours via six specific steps:
This section of the Expert Secrets book teaches how to communicate more effectively, break down sales barriers and how to educate your audience.
You’ll discover how to use the Stack Slide so you can communicate value and get more sales.
Brunson teaches his Perfect Webinar in this section, which is used to generate more leads and conversions for your business.
Section #3 concludes with learning more about breaking belief patterns, rebuilding them and using the Stack to present your offer.
This section is outstanding education for anyone selling virtual summits, online courses, coaching programs, masterminds, affiliate products or any other type of product or service.
You must build your sales funnel after learning how to create your mass movement, becoming the Attractive Character and using your New Opportunity to help prospects see how unique your product offering is.
This section is broken up into five chapters that take you through the webinar model, a four-question close process, a hack for your perfect webinar, email funnels and product launch funnels.
Brunson finishes the book off with tips for filling your funnel by driving targeted traffic into your sales funnel process.
The book is sold through Brunson’s “free + shipping” offer. All you need to do is pay a small shipping price and your new Expert Secrets book is yours for no charge.
There are some quality upsell options that you might want to take advantage of. These include an option to get Russell Brunson’s books in audio format so that you can take them on the run with you.
Other titles that you’ll encounter as you go through the upsells are:
Take the time to read each upsell and pick and choose which additional offers will help your business-building efforts the most.
I think it’s a good idea to pay close attention to the entire sales funnel. Take notes and consider how you might employ a similar funnel for your business so that you increase sales volume each time a customer takes advantage of one of your entry product offers.
Expert Secrets is full of actionable advice that will help you create a strong business that becomes increasingly stronger with the aid of your loyal followers.
Pick up your copy today by clicking here.
You should now have a clearer understanding of the Expert Secrets book. You know what it is, who it’s for, some content it discusses, and how to get your free copy.
If the book seems like a good fit for you, then secure your copy today and begin reading.
If the book is not a great fit, then you may enjoy one of Russell’s other books or some of the entrepreneur books from my list.
Here’s to your success in your journey!
What is an e-commerce website? It’s your digital storefront for selling products. Choosing the right hosting is crucial for its success. Why choose hosting for e-commerce?
A great webinar registration page can make or break your event’s success. It’s where you grab attention, share value, and convince visitors to sign up.
What is an affiliate program? An affiliate program rewards people for promoting your products or services. They earn a commission for each sale they generate.
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